
Monday, March 28, 2011

Nook Color Book Case

If I told you ten years ago that I'd built a book case that could hold tens of thousands of books, you would've either looked at me in disbelief or questioned my ability to count. But that's exactly what I did over the past week, only it was less of a system of shelving to store paper books, and more of a case for my e-reader built out of a paper book. Book case, get it? I guess "Nook case" would be more appropriate. Either way, I turned an old hardcover book into a camouflage case to store and display my Nook Color. I destroyed an analogue book to protect a digital book... the whole project stinks of irony. Or something. Maybe it's just the glue.

I didn't think to take any pictures of the process, but it was fairly straight forward. I got the basic instructions from the How To Do Stuff blog, but made a few small modifications to accommodate my Nook Color.

They did a pretty good job of providing detailed instructions on the blog, so I'll just summarize. I painted a water/glue mixture onto the edges of the book, allowing it to soak in and dry. Once it had completely dried, I measured my Nook and drew guidelines on the top page of the pages I wanted to cut, and then used a metal straightedge and a box cutter to cut down through all the pages, removing the cut-out paper as I went. Once I had reached the end, I applied the glue mixture to the inside edges of the hollow and clamped the book shut while drying. When it was dry, I put my Nook in to make sure it fit, made a few adjustments, and eventually had a perfect snug fit.

I used the case for a few days to transport my Nook safely, and then decided I wanted to be able to use the book case as a stand for my Nook as well. The meant repeating the glue process on the remaining pages in the front of the book, and cutting out a notch the width and length of the edge of my Nook so that it could stand on its own. If I was going to do this all over again, I would've taken this into account at the start and tried to incorporate a vertical stand as well as horizontal.

All in all, I'm happy with how it turned out, and might even make a few more to sell online. Anyone interested?

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